School Days

/School Days

Bees in the Schoolyard: Guest Post from the Beekeepers of the Fernbank Science Center

March 16th, 2018|Behind the Story, Free Resources, Guest Posts, How To, Nature, School Days|

With the launch event of Lester Laminack's The King of

Saying Good-bye with Mrs. McBee

April 27th, 2017|Behind the Scenes, Behind the Story, DIY, Free Resources, Picture Books, Pinterest, Printables, School Days|

Gretchen Brandenburg McLellan, author of Mrs. McBee Lea

Free Book Friday: Mrs. McBee Leaves Room 3

March 10th, 2017|#FreeBookFriday, Children's books, Farewell, Giveaways, Picture Books, School Days|

Friday = Free books! This Free Book Friday we are givin

New Book Wednesday: Mrs. McBee Leaves Room 3

March 8th, 2017|Announcements, Children's books, New Book Wednesday, Picture Books, School Days, School Stories|

Mrs. McBee Leaves Room 3 by Gretchen Brandenburg McLell

Football Facts Even a Bookworm Can Appreciate

July 3rd, 2014|Books for Boys, Reluctant Readers, School Days, What We're Reading|

Well, folks, it's officially summer. You know what that

Gordon vs. the Writing Assignment

March 31st, 2014|Charlie Bumpers, Contests, Giveaway, Guest Posts, Middle Grades, Peachtree Publishers, Quality Kids' Books, Reluctant Readers, School Days|

As part of his Grand Prize, Gordon's story is being pub

You vs. Who? Contest & Giveaway

March 7th, 2014|Charlie Bumpers, Contests, Curriculum Guides, Giveaways, Quality Kids' Books, Read-Aloud, School Days|

Greetings, denizens of the blogiverse!   Since the titl

Mrs. Burke is Coming…

March 5th, 2014|Charlie Bumpers, Contests, Giveaway, Guest Posts, Middle Grades, Peachtree Publishers, Reluctant Readers, School Days|

You lucky, lucky ducks. Do we have a treat for you! Wor

Back to School with Charlie Bumpers

July 31st, 2013|Middle Grades, School Days|

Though it still feels like summer in Atlanta, fall is a

Happy 100th Day of School!

January 28th, 2013|Backlist Spotlight, Picture Books, School Days|

For many of you out there, today marks the 100th day of

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